The Department of Infrastructure Planning and Logistics has launched a new subscription option for Industry to receive updates regarding Temporary Traffic Management in the Northern Territory.
You have received this initial email as a stakeholder. If you would like to continue to receive updates, you must subscribe by visiting NT Temporary Traffic Management Updates Subscription (office.com).
Austroads National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management
The Northern Territory’s transition to the Austroads National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management commenced in February. The NT transition period is from February 2024 to February 2027.
The new training structure and licencing requirements are tailored to the 3 roles available (TMI, TC & TMD) and the 2 road categories in the NT. Workers will need to hold the appropriate role for the work they are doing, and the level required is determined by the road category they are working on, as shown in the table below.

Traffic Management Designer Training Updates
The first provider has been approved to deliver Traffic Management Designer training in the Northern Territory and is currently working to schedule courses. You can find the list of approved training providers below or on our website Temporary traffic management approved training providers | NT.GOV.AU
DIPL is currently working with Austroads to clarify the entry requirements for existing WZ1 holders into the new Traffic Management Designer qualification. While this is finalised and acknowledging the limited availability of training, the department will be offering extensions to existing WZ1 holders expiring in 2024.
To apply for an extension, complete the attached WZ1 exemption form and submit to Roadsdarwin.NTG@nt.gov.au
Short Term Low Impact (STLI) Training update
Austroads are developing training frameworks for Short Term Low Impact (previously Volunteer and Occasional Users). The framework is designed for those carrying out minor traffic management activities on the road network but it’s not part of their core business/work, for example grass slashing contractors who put out a “slashing/mowing ahead” sign on the road, or surveyors who may have information signs on the road, that do not impact traffic flow.
These individuals would not be eligible to get the full TTM qualification because they only carry out basic traffic roles and responsibilities.
We are working closely with Austroads and expect to see a new training module for the STLI work released in the next couple of months. There is further information and examples of occasional users who may fit into this category on our website Temporary traffic management training and certification | NT.GOV.AU
If you are an existing WZ qualified worker, believe you fall into this category, and will expire before the new training is available, you can apply for a 3 month extension using the attached WZ2/WZ3 application form. Ensure you subscribe to our TTM updates list here NT Temporary Traffic Management Updates Subscription (office.com) to receive a notification when the new module is released.
The draft for volunteer training will be finalised when the STLI training package has been completed as it will set the foundation of the volunteer training package.
NT Approved Training Providers
There are currently three approved training providers for the NT, contact the ATP’s directly for training availability.
Road Operations Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Northern Territory Government
Level 2, Highway House, Palmerston
PO Box 61, Palmerston, NT 0831
t. +61 8 8999 4449
e. roadsdarwin.ntg@nt.gov.au
w. www.nt.gov.au