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  • 20 Dec 2023 8:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    December 2023

    Hello and welcome to the December 2023 edition of the Temporary Traffic Management newsletter. 

    As this is our final newsletter for 2023, it has prompted some reflection on the year that was. I would like to express my thanks for the commitment and collaborative spirit that has defined our 2023 journey. Our collective efforts on various projects have been instrumental in making our roads safer. These projects include the introduction of new mandatory standards for all event traffic management, the release of TMR's new training course 'Cyclist and pedestrian safety at roadworks,' and the implementation of new rules for identification and branding of traffic control vehicles and signage at roadworks sites. Social media campaigns aimed at supporting roadworks and roadworker safety have also had a significant impact in terms of raising awareness and building knowledge. Importantly, industry consultation and feedback regarding the national training framework for temporary traffic management has been a critical body of work and will continue to be so into the new year.

    TMR also joined the Traffic Management Association of Australia as an Associate Group member last month. This helps to cement the close collaboration we share in promoting best practice management and common safety goals.

    It was a very full agenda in 2023 and the year has been testament to the power of teamwork and shared dedication. We look forward to continuing our vital work together.  

    I wish you all a very happy and safe festive season, and see you in the new year.

    Ken Jacobs

    A/Chief Engineer
    Engineering and Technology
    Department of Transport and Main Roads


    Assuring training outcomes for TTM workers  

    As part of TMR's commitment to ensuring roadworker safety, the Traffic Engineering team recently completed a state-wide audit of registered training organisations (RTO) currently active in the delivery of training for temporary traffic management workers.

    The audit program ensures all trainees are receiving a consistent level of training and have the knowledge to perform their job. The process also encourages continuous improvement, the chance to develop and adapt training material, and to ensure communication is tailored to support the industry. 

    The program is designed to confirm that RTOs are complying with the TMR Licence Agreements to deliver the Traffic Controller, Traffic Management Implementation and Traffic Management Design training programs. An initial desktop audit is conducted, followed by on-site audits resulting in a final report identifying any areas of concern. Action plans to address non-compliance are managed between TMR and the RTO until resolution is reached.

    Other than ensuring a regulated and compliant industry, the audit also presents an excellent opportunity for TMR to speak directly with our RTOs and share feedback and challenges. 

    The program will continue in 2024. For any queries please email ttmsauditteam@tmr.qld.gov.au

    Technical requirements update 

    As part of the November publication cycle, the following temporary traffic management technical documents have had amendments applied: 

    • MUTCD Part 3
    • QGTTM Parts 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8
    • MRTS02
    These changes were published in the relevant documents and amendment registers at the end of November, and can be found on the TMR website HERE.
    TMD training courses wrap up for the year
    TMD training for 2023 has wrapped up, and we have some highlights to share. In late November, our most recent Traffic Management Design course brought together a group of 12 attendees from around the State.

    Throughout the year, six TMD courses were hosted in Brisbane, spanning from March to November. A total of 70 students successfully completed the 2-day training, including 14 students from regional and remote Queensland.

    Congratulations to everyone who undertook and completed the post course assessment, and our best congratulations to those who have achieved their TMD qualification.

    In early 2024 we expect to be announcing some changes to the entry requirements, training delivery and assessment strategy for this program. Keep an eye out for course dates and locations, which will be revealed in the new year.

    For more information, please email TMDesign@tmr.qld.gov.au
    Event traffic management
    TMR is working with the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) to explore innovative treatments for managing traffic at events. New standards for all event traffic management became mandatory on 1 December 2022, and these updated standards were designed to improve overall community safety on our road network, and for participants and spectators at events.

    If your organisation is involved in the planning, delivery and management of events and you would like to be involved in future discussions about the most practical safety solutions for organisers and participants at events, then we would like to hear from you. 

    Please email TMHarmonisation@tmr.qld.gov.au with an expression of interest including your name and full contact details. 
    TMAA National Traffic Controller Safety survey

    In March 2023, the Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) launched the National Traffic Controller Safety survey aimed at assessing the safety of trafficcontrollers in their work environment. This annual survey is designed to gather insights into the hazardous situations that traffic controllers face while on duty. Participants were advised that their feedback would be instrumental in identifying areas requiring improvement to enhance safety at work. Additionally, their responses would be used to guide the development of communication campaigns, and social media posts to mitigate risks associated with the role of traffic controller. The survey was completed by 198 traffic management professionals and the results can be found HERE.

    Austroads 2022-23 Annual Report 

    TMR collaborates closely with Austroads on projects such as the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management(AGTTM) and the National Harmonisation of TemporaryTraffic Management. In addition to all things TTM, Austroads plays a strong role in developing and applying national standards to improve transport outcomes across a range of other programs. For further insights into the extent of their work, you can explore their 2022-23 Annual Report


  • 20 Dec 2023 7:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Department of Transport and Planning
    Traffic Management Reform Program

    December 2023 Newsletter

    Welcome to the December edition of the Traffic Management Reform (TMR) program newsletter. 

    The TMR program is transforming the traffic management industry by providing the extra support needed to promote safety on the road network and reduce unnecessary congestion and delays around worksites.

    This is our regular newsletter to keep the traffic management industry up-to-date on any progress and changes as part of the TMR program. Please share it with anyone you think should know about the program and upcoming changes. 

    Complying to the new Code of Practice (CoP) and National Training Framework

    As many of you are aware, the new CoP commenced on 1 December 2023. To support the new CoP, DTP has also adopted the National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management to ensure workers are trained in the new standards and obligations. This not only creates consistency in the content and teaching methods, but also nationally recognised qualifications.

    Complying to the new CoP

    As there has been a delay in the introduction of the new Traffic Management Design (TMD) training, DTP will not be enforcing compliance to the new TMD elements of the new CoP until the new TMD training is readily available and workers have had the opportunity to receive formal training.

    Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) permit applications and supporting documents (such as the Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)) designed to comply to the previous CoP will be accepted without penalty, until further notice. 

    Anyone who has already upskilled themselves in the new requirements can design in accordance with the new CoP.

    Information and supporting documents on the new CoP are available on the VicRoads website. If you have any questions or need more information, email ATPapplications@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Complying to the National Training Framework

    The National Training Framework has been adopted in Victoria, with the new Traffic Controller (TC) and Traffic Management Implementer (TMI) training both now available. A list of Approved Training Providers (ATPs) can be found on the Austroads website

    To ensure there is greater geographical coverage of training organisations to deliver this training, DTP has extended the mandatory uptake date of the new TC and TMI training from 1 December 2023 to 1 March 2024 to help industry better meet this requirement. Previous TC and TMI training can continue to be delivered concurrently with the new training until 29 February 2024 and any training taken during this time will be recognised by DTP.

    With the delay in the introduction of the new TMD training, until further notice any previously completed TMD training will be recognised by DTP. Qualifications under the previous TC, TMI and TMD courses will also continue to be recognised, until they expire.

    We will provide an update on when the new TMD training will be available as soon as the timings are confirmed.

    Information about the National Training Framework is available on the VicRoads website.

    If you have any questions or need more information, email ATPapplications@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Changes to activating and deactivating MoA permits from 4 March 2024

    From 4 March 2024, DTP will require traffic management companies to begin using the Road Access Permits Portal (RAPP) to activate and deactivate MoA permits that don’t include LUMS or TRIMS, or are Road Works and Events (RWE) MoA permits.

    Why is this change being implemented?

    • RAPP was launched with a feature to activate and deactivate MoA permits online to eventually replace the need to call the Transport Operations Centre (TOC) to activate and deactivate MoA permits without LUMS or TRIMS, or RWE MoA permits.

    This decision was made for a couple of reasons:

    • We’ve received feedback from traffic management companies of long wait times to get through to the TOC to activate and deactivate MoA permits, especially during peak periods.
    • We’ve received feedback from the TOC that overall call volumes have significantly increased, particularly faults, hazards, incidents and emergencies, which is contributing to the wait times traffic management companies are experiencing.

    These wait times can delay worksite set up as any activities related to traffic management implementation cannot start until the MoA permit is activated and are a factor in MoA permits not being deactivated, impacting how drivers use the road.

    How do I activate or deactivate an MoA permit in RAPP?

    The MoA activation feature can be accessed from the RAPP dashboard and includes an easy view of which permits are still activated and need to be deactivated. There is also training material on the VicRoads website if you need further help.

    The TOC will only action calls to activate and deactivate MoA permits with LUMS or TRIMs, or those that are RWE MoA permits.

    DTP will continue to investigate other options to make it easier for traffic management companies to activate and deactivate MoA permits when on-site, so if you have any feedback, questions or need more information, email the RAPP team on RAPP.support@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Changes to authorised MoA permits between 10pm 12 January and 6am 13 January 2024

    Due to an important upgrade to the control software for DTP’s Managed Motorway System, no roadworks will be authorised to take place on any part of the managed motorway network between 10pm on Friday 12 January and 6am on Saturday 13 January 2024.

    The software controls the Lane Use Management System (LUMS), which includes all overhead signage on our metropolitan freeway network. The upgrade will severely impact DTP’s ability to change overhead signage on the managed motorway network. For safety reasons, a decision has been made to not authorise roadworks during this time.

    If you already have an authorised MoA permit in this time period, you will shortly receive an update with a special condition indicating that your MoA permit cannot be activated during this time for any works on a major metropolitan freeway in a LUMS environment.

    We appreciate your understanding and support during this essential upgrade. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Palmer, Associate Director Roadworks Permits, on linda.palmer@transport.vic.gov.au.

    New features in RAPP

    There were new features added to RAPP on 9 December 2023 including:

    Change 1: new column in the submitted dashboard view will show the ‘submitted on’ date for both MoA and Working Within the Road Reserve (WWRR) permit applications. Applicants will be able to calculate the number of business days an application has been in review from the submitted date.

    Change 2: RAPP users with a traffic controller account type will have access to view authorised documents in the approval document folder. This change will ensure traffic controllers have access to a digital copy of relevant documents required to implement an MoA permit.

    Reminder: Documents being uploaded to RAPP need to be less than 20MB. Please ensure you split up any large files if needed and advise your TGS designers.

    If you need information or help using RAPP, visit the VicRoads website or contact the RAPP team on RAPP.support@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Key TMR program dates 

    From 1 December 2023

    • New CoP commenced, however compliance to TMD elements will not be enforced until further notice.
    • New National Training Framework introduced in Victoria with the new TC and TMI training commencing.
    • Previous TC and TMI training can continue to be delivered concurrently with the new training until 29 February 2024.

    From 1 March 2024

    • New TC and TMI training courses become mandatory. Training taken under the previous TC and TMI courses post this date will no longer be recognised by DTP. DTP will continue to recognise any previous TC and TMI courses taken (and completed) before this date until they expire.

    From 4 March 2024

    • MoA permits activate and deactivate to be actioned via RAPP. TOC will only action calls to activate and deactivate MoA permits with LUMS or TRIMs, or those that are RWE MoA permits.

    First half of 2024

    • More details about the Volunteer and Occasional Road Workers and TMD training will be released.
    • Further information about new Surveillance Framework and end-to-end enforcement processes will be released.
    • Further engagement with local councils on aligning permit process and creating consistency for industry.

    30 June 2024

    • TMR program completed.

    Festive greetings from the TMR team

    From all of us in the TMR team, thank you for your support of the program in 2023. We look forward to continuing to work with you on transforming the traffic management industry in 2024.

    Have a safe and wonderful festive season.

    Get in touch 

    Please email us at tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au if you have any questions or need further information on the TMR program.

  • 14 Dec 2023 8:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Guidelines for designing and procuring incident response vehicles released for industry feedback
    14 December 2023

    Austroads has published two new guidelines to aid with incident response vehicle design and procurement, and the use of truck-mounted attenuators in incident response.

    The new publications provide guidance on the models, types and design specifications of incident response vehicles, and guidance on when and how truck-mounted attenuators and other attenuator vehicles should be used in incident response scenarios.

    Effective and timely incident response helps road managers deliver better safety and improved network performance. However, the first responders to incidents work in a high-risk environment.

    ‘The fatality rate for first responders is 1.5 times higher than the national workplace fatality rate. It is critical that we improve the safety of all people involved in roadway incident response,’ said Amy Naulls, Austroads Transport Network Operations Program Manager.

    The research underpinning the guidelines identified best practices in vehicle design, manufacture, procurement, and use. The researchers consulted with stakeholders and examined literature from Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

    The practical information provided in both guidelines serves as a valuable resource for all stakeholders involved in incident response, contributing to a harmonised and safer working environment for incident response teams and road workers.

    "This guidance will help create a safer environment for incident response teams and road workers while still allowing practitioners to respond to differing local needs," added Naulls.

    Austroads encourages industry professionals and stakeholders to provide feedback on the guidelines, fostering a collaborative effort to further refine and enhance these critical resources. The feedback window is open until June 1, 2024.

    The guidelines can be downloaded from the links below:

    Guidelines for the Design and Procurement of Incident Response Vehicles

    Guidelines for the Use of Truck-Mounted Attenuators in Incident Response

    Research report: Incident Response Vehicle Design and Procurement and the Use of Truck Mounted Attenuators in Incident Response


    Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, 5 March 2024 with Narelle Haworth, Ashim Debnath and Drew Gaynor, for an overview of the project, including the findings of the literature review, results of the stakeholder consultations and guideline development.

    No charge but registration is essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording.

    Register now!

    About Austroads

    Austroads is the association of Australian and New Zealand road transport agencies that facilitates improvements in road and transport infrastructure through research and knowledge-sharing. With a commitment to enhancing safety and efficiency, Austroads plays a pivotal role in shaping best practices within the road transport industry.

  • 14 Dec 2023 9:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Roadworks Report

    Update on Tasmanian Temporary Traffic Management requirements

    Changes to transition timeframes for existing temporary traffic management qualifications

    The Department of State Growth will extend each transition period arrangement by six months to assist the industry, including traffic management companies, contractors, trainers, and State Growth.

    This is intended to provide flexibility and sufficient time for all stakeholders to adjust to the new requirements.

    This information is outlined in the table below, as it will appear in the revised Tasmanian Guide.

    Last qualification date Time until they must complete the NTFTTM* (from 1 Jan 2024)
    2023 24 months
    2022 18 months
    2021 15 months
    2020 and earlier 12 months

    *These timeframes may change with the requirements of delivering the NTFTTM.

    For example:

    • An individual who last completed traffic management training in 2023 should book for the equivalent NTFTTM course within 24 months (e.g. before January 2026)
    • An individual who last completed traffic management training in 2022 should book for the equivalent NTFTTM course within 18 months (e.g. before July 2025)
    • An individual who last completed traffic management training in 2021 should book for the equivalent NTFTTM course within 15 months (e.g. before April 2025)
    • An individual who last completed traffic management training in 2020 or earlier should book for the equivalent NTFTTM course within 12 months (e.g. before January 2025) 

    State Growth has recently committed to reviewing the implementation of the NTFTTM, including transition arrangements, by 1 April 2024 and quarterly after that. 

    State Roads will facilitate these reviews, and stakeholders will be invited to provide feedback.

    Approved Training Providers

    State Growth is pleased to announce the current Approved Training Providers in Tasmania. 

    The training providers are:

    • Australian Academic Solutions
    • CivilEdge
    Information on these ATPs, their locations, available courses, and website links are available on the Austroads and linked through the Tasmanian Transport website.

    We anticipate being able to announce more ATPs in early 2024.

    Tasmanian Guide to Traffic Control for Works on Roads

    The Tasmanian Guide to Traffic Control for Works on Roads has been updated and published on the Tasmanian Transport website. You can view a copy of the guide here.

    The Tasmanian Guide holds information such as:

    • Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) in Tasmania
    • Training Requirements
    • Transition Arrangements
    • Refresher Training
    • Training for non-practitioners
    • Recognition of Prior Learning
    • Approved Training Providers
    • Truck Mounted Attenuators


    If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the State Roads Work Health and Safety team at StateRoadsWHS@stategrowth.tas.gov.au

  • 11 Dec 2023 9:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Department of State Growth would like to inform the TMAA Tasmania and members that a “Support Statement” has been prepared for Approved Training Providers (ATPs) and businesses who will host traffic management students on worksites to provide to clients who may not be aware of the incoming requirements for traffic management training. 

    This statement is available on the Tasmanian Transport website, on the following page, under the “More information” tab: 

    Temporary Traffic Management page

    If you have any questions in relation to this, please contact



    Annie Johns | Safety Advisor – State Roads 

    Support Services Branch | Department of State Growth

  • 8 Dec 2023 1:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    E2023/9 - TMAA Election Notice and Nomination Form

    Dear Members

    The Election Notice and Nomination Form for the TMAA Management Committee election (Traffic Management Association of Australia, Scheduled Election E2023/9 - Stage 1a) are available for members to see and download.

    Election Notice

    Nomination Form

    Kind regards


  • 5 Dec 2023 3:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) has published a media release today expressing concerns about recent changes announced by Main Roads WA (MRWA) to its Traffic Management Company Registration Scheme. The TMAA media release conveyed its Members' apprehension regarding the newly announced modifications to the Scheme by the MRWA.

    Read the Media Release

  • 1 Dec 2023 8:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Holland Thomas joins TMAA as a National Supplier for Aggressive Behaviour Management

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is pleased to introduce Holland Thomas as our new national supplier for the safe management of aggressive behaviours.

    “With this partnership we aim to enhance safety and professionalism within the industry by providing diverse and effective training solutions for our members.”

    Holland Thomas offers a range of training options to cater to the specific needs and preferences of TMAA members. Most of our members have expressed a strong interest in online training, seeking efficient and accessible ways to equip their workers with the skills to safely manage aggressive behaviours. Holland Thomas offers an exceptional eLearn course designed for just that purpose.

    With the eLearn course, members can access online courses that are engaging and interactive. These courses provide the flexibility required in today's fast-paced work environments, allowing staff to complete training at their own pace. This not only saves time but ensures that essential knowledge and skills are retained and can be applied effectively on the job.

    Most importantly, Holland Thomas understands that one size doesn't fit all. For example, some TMAA members prefer in-person, face-to-face training to foster team collaboration and provide hands-on experience. Holland Thomas will deliver on this front as well. Their interactive workshops allow participants to practice and refine their skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.

    TMAA's partnership with Holland Thomas reflects our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our members.

    Holland Thomas's expertise aligns seamlessly with TMAA's mission to enhance safety and professionalism in the traffic management industry. We are confident that this partnership will empower our members to create safer work environments, effectively manage aggressive behaviours, and ensure the well-being of their staff.

    To find out more about Holland Thomas and their training solutions, please visit their website at Holland Thomas .

    You can also explore their offerings for managing aggressive behaviours through these links:

    E-Learn Courses

    Face-to-Face Workshops

    This collaboration between TMAA and Holland Thomas signifies our joint commitment to advancing safety and professionalism in the traffic management industry. We are excited to see the positive impact this partnership will have on our members and the industry as a whole. Together, we aim to provide comprehensive training solutions that make a difference!

    For more information about Holland Thomas’ services and their special discounts for TMAA Members, please contact Travis Holland at travis.holland@hollandthomas.com.au.

  • 29 Nov 2023 2:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcoming the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads to TMAA!

    From left to right: John Cassel (TMAA Vice President), Andrew White (TMAA President), Sally Stannard (Acting Director General of the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads), Matthew Bereni (TMAA CEO).

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is pleased to welcome the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads as its newest Associate Group member.

    "We are pleased to support the TMAA and continue our close collaboration in promoting best practice traffic management outcomes with the goal of ensuring the safety of those who work on roads and the travelling public," said Dennis Walsh, Chief Engineer at the Department of Transport and Main Roads. "In an ever changing environment, being part of the TMAA is very important so we continue to share knowledge and help influence the future of traffic management as we galvanise around our common safety goals."

    TMAA CEO Matthew Bereni said, "We are excited to have the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads on board. Their expertise and insights will be invaluable as we work together to improve road safety and traffic efficiency."

    The TMAA looks forward to working closely with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads to advocate for a safer and more effective traffic management sector.

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